Antique Adornments Set For TS4


I have a special release for you today, one with many wall papers and floor sets, 2 painting sets and a room divider my "Antique Adornments Set For TS4". Overall I think everything really adds to the games aesthetic. We also REALLY needed more round painting options.... Some images below:

This set includes:
(Heads up I didn't take pictures of all the swatches)

5 Buy Mode Objects:

Antique Room Divider - 40 Swatches

Large Antique Wide Oval Frame Set - 6 Swatches
Large Wide Oval 18th Century Paintings Canvas Set - 40 Swatches

Large Antique Upright Oval Frame Set - 6 Swatches
Large Upright Oval 18th Century Paintings Canvas Set - 40 Swatches

11 Build Mode Items

2 Floors:

Antique Parquet Flooring - 20 Swatches

Rococo Parquet - 1 Swatch 
(this was in a previous set, no updates just decided to include here too as it complements everything)

9 Walls:

 Golden Dreams Wall Set - 16 Swatches

Sun King Wall Set - 58 Swatches

The Breakfastroom Wall Set - 22 Swatches

El Toreador wall set - 37 Swatches

Green Dragon Wall Set - 16 Swatches

The Nightingale Wall Set - 20 Swatches

Blue Grot Wall Set - 18 Swatches

Blue Zenith Wall Set - 15 Swatches

Burgundy Red Dream Wall Set - 16 Swatches 
(this was in a previous set, no updates just decided to include here too as it complements everything)

Additional info:

For the paintings.... this is just another reminder YOU NEED BOTH THE CANVAS AND FRAMES BB.Moveobjects On cheat required

Even though there appears to be multiple sizes of frames/Canvas there is only 1 size,different sizes are achieved by In-game Re-siszing via the following keys:

 SHIFT + [ = Smaller

I'm sure you saw above two previously released items of mine (Burgundy Red Dream Wall Set & Rococo Parquet) were also included in this set, there have been NO changes, I only added them to this set because I felt they really complimented it well.

The download file is a little big... but its because you are getting A LOT of content, here's one last image of everything (not including all swatches)


TS4 Basegame

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